The Administration

The Rail Motor Society is incorporated under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act, 2009. Incorporation gives the Society its legal status under NSW legislation and permits it to own real property and to enter into contracts. It is also a prerequisite for the Society to undertake its primary function as a railway operator, that is to be accredited by the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator under the Rail Safety National Law and to enter into Access Agreements with rail infrastructure owners such as Sydney Trains, the Australian Rail Track Corporation and others.

The Patron - Rear Admiral Peter Sinclair AC

Rear Admiral Peter Sinclair AC, retired Royal Australian Navy Officer and former Governor of New South Wales is Patron of the Society. Following his retirement, Rear Admiral Sinclair has taken up cattle grazing in the region and actively supports not-for-profit groups. The Society is honoured to have Rear Admiral Sinclair as our Patron.

Office Bearers

Rod Short


Steve Harper

Vice President

Bruce Agland

Ass Secretary

Board Members

Michael Walsh

Bruce Greenham

Graeme Holloway

Robert Spencer

Ross Goodman

Spencer Ross


Operations Manager

Bruce Agland

Assistant Operations Manager

Stephen Harper

Rolling Stock Manager

Robert Spencer

Rolling Stock Coordinator

Kevin Judd

Rolling Stock Coordinator

Ross Goodman

Infrastructure Manager

Rodney Short

Infrastructure Assistant Manager

Graeme Hollaway

Infrastructure Assistant Manager

Bruce Greenham

Subsidiary Positions 2024-25

Training Crew Coordinator

Graeme Holloway

Operational Crew Roster Clerk

Rodney Short

Operational Crew Roster Clerk

Stephen Harper

Fitters Roster Clerk

Kevin Judd

Customer Service Manger

Trish Short

Assistant Customer Service Manger

Anthony Dunn

Safety Officer

Lance Nelson

Assistant Safety Officer

Paul Horder

Public Relations Officer

Trish Short

Assistant Public Relations Officer

Anthony Dunn

Publications Officer

Robert Spencer

Assistant Publications Officer

Bruce Gehrig

Tours Liaison Officer

Trish Short

Assistant Tours Liaison Officer

Spencer Ross

Accomodation Officer

Trish Short

Assistant Accomodation Officer

Anthony Dunn

Catering & Souvenirs Officer

Kaye Burgess

Welfare Officer

Bruce Gehrig

Archives Officer

Spencer Ross

Grants Officer

Graeme Holloway

Assistant Grants Officer

Sharyn Noll

Finance Officer


Internal Audit Operations

Arthur Burgess

Internal Audit Rolling Stock

Brett Williams

Internal Audit Infrastructure

Bruce Agland

Project Manager 629/729

Stephen Harper

Project Manager 602/707

Jon Derry


Henry Varcoe* - 1984 to 1986

Geoffrey Murray* - 1986 -1988

Harry Wright* - 1988 to 2003

Bruce Agland - 2003 to 2007

Arthur Burgess - 2007 to 2021

* Deceased


Harry Wright* - Elected 1997

Geoffrey Murray* -Elected 2003

Bryan Hicks - Elected 2006

Bruce Agland - Elected 2011

Stafford Payne - Elected 2013

Beverley Redman - Elected 2016

Arthur Burgess - Elected 2018

* Deceased