Bogies used on NSW railcars are one of two main types – fabricated or cast. Early bogies were of the fabricated type and as the metal industry casting techniques developed, cast bogie frames came into use. The first cast bogies to be deployed in NSW rail cars were the 2PA (PAA) type used on the Silver City Comet power cars. Cast bogies of the 2PE (PEA) and 2TE (NEA) types were introduced with the 900 Class in 1951, while the 2PG (PGA) and 2TG (NGA) types were introduced with the later members of the 620 Class and were built by A. E. Goodwin Limited. The 1100 Class of 1961 and the 1200 Class of 1972 also featured cast bogies from Bradford Kendall (Bradken). Fabricated bogies made a comeback with the Express Passenger Train (XPT) in 1983. Fabricated bogies have continued in use with the Endeavour/Xplorer and the Hunter Classes.
The fabricated type bogie has a frame that is constructed of various components (flat bar, plate, angle, channel, section, etc.) and are usually either welded or riveted (or a combination of both) while the cast type has a frame of steel that is cast as a single piece including both side frames, horn cheeks, and the main cross member or bolster. Bogies consist of a number of fixed and moving parts depending upon the construction type.
Old | New | Bearings | Frame | Primary | Secdry | Equalised | Wheelbase | Wheel | Builder | Brakes | Class |
2AA |
| Plain | Fabricated | Leaf | Leaf | No | 5′ 9″ | 3′ 0½” |
| Clasp | |
2AE |
| Plain | Fabricated | Leaf | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 0½” |
| Clasp | |
2AT |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 0″ | 3′ 0½” |
| Clasp | |
2BS | BSA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Coil | Yes | 8′ 0″ | 3′ 1″ | Goodwin | Clasp | |
2PA | PAA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Coil | Yes | 7′ 0″ | 3′ 1″ | Bradken | Clasp | |
2PB | PBA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 2′ 9″ | Morts Dock | Clasp | |
2PC | PCA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Ritchie | Clasp | |
2PE | PEA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Leaf | No | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Ritchie | Clasp | |
2PG | PGA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Goodwin | Clasp | |
2PH | PHA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Bradken | Disc | |
2PK | PKA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Air bag | No | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Bradken | Clasp | |
2QG |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 2′ 8½” | Eveleigh | Clasp | |
2QO |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 5′ 6″ | 2′ 8½” | Eveleigh | Clasp | |
2QR |
| Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 2′ 8½” | Eveleigh | Clasp | |
2SG |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Eveleigh | Clasp | |
2TA | NAA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 2′ 9″ | Morts Dock | Clasp | |
2TB | NBA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Ritchie | Clasp | |
2TE | NEA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Leaf | No | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Ritchie | Clasp | |
2TG | NGA | Roller | Cast | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Goodwin | Clasp | |
| NHA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Air bag | No | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | Comeng | Disc | |
| NJA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Air bag | No | 7′ 10½” | 3′ 1″ | ABB | Disc | |
| NKA | Roller | Fabricated | Conical | Air bag | No | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | United | Disc | |
| NMA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Air bag | No | 7′ 10½” | 3′ 1″ | ABB | Disc | |
| PJA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Air bag | No | 7′ 10½” | 3′ 1″ | ABB | Disc | |
| PKA | Roller | Fabricated | Conical | Air bag | No | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 1″ | United | Disc | |
| PLA | Roller | Fabricated | Coil | Coil | No | 8′ 6″ | 3′ 4″ | Comeng | Disc | |
Diamond |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | No | 4′ 3″ | 2′ 0½” | Eveleigh | None | |
G |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | No | 5′ 6″ |
| Hudson | Clasp | |
Inside |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Coil | Yes | 6′ 6″ | 2′ 1″ & | Eveleigh | Clasp | |
| Plain | Fabricated | Coil | Leaf | No | 7′ 0″ | 3′ 1″ | Eveleigh | Clasp |
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